Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

Graduation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Selamat Malam cute Readers.

saat aku menulis ini, waktu menunjukkan pukul 21.21 WIB
Apa kabar? aku sekarang sedang happy-happynya loh. hihi. Saya baru saja diwisuda, rasanya campur aduk sekali, antar senang, bahagia, dan sedih juga ada. Saya senang bisa wisuda tepat waktu dengan nilai yang..... WOW!!! Saya sendiri tidak menyangka, unpredictable. Almost perfect. Thats almost briliant point 3,90 dengan skala 4. Wow!! 

So, firstly i wanna say thank you for my Lord, ALLAH SWT. I dont know what will happen to me if Allah never help me, if Allah left me, if Allah dont want to put me beside. I feel lost. I understand, i just hope Allah will always love me like i do. i wish Allah never left me behind and always kept me in right way. So, this is the right way, i raise my education!!

Second one, I dedicate this to you, to my great women in my life. to my mother. you are my one and only reason to me for always be the best. thank you've taught a lot of things, thank you for being a mother who was never angry, understanding and always wise. thank you for providing a lot of life experience, thank you to accept me as your Daughter. This is one of a series of gifts that I will always try to give to you. The first mission is complete. please wait for the next

Third things, I just wanna say thank you for my Father. for my Great father, for all the Lesson, which are always given for 12 years of my life with you, thank you Pak. I hope've made ​​you proud, even though I could never know again when you're proud of me, felling happy, angry, annoyed and even laugh at me. I miss you father, greatly missed. when can we meet well, only God can bring us, and even then through a dream. thank you for teaching me that, education is important. thank you for being my father i can proud. This Happiness with my pleasure i give to you.

The next, i never forget to say many gratefull i have my sister. She is stronger lady. i just love her so much. i dont know what will happen to me if i never had her,. she is my twin, we are live together as sister, as friend, as partner, as enemy but also as family. Thank you for all thing, all money, all advice you ever given to me. you never forgetten and i will always love you my beloved sister. i hope you proud.  

And The Last things, I just always want to be with people that I love, have always loved god, family and friends. this is the Great moment, finally we have graduation guys. Thank you for 3 wonderfull years. thankyou for accept me as your partner, thankyou for happiness, sadness and load laughing we spend together. Thankyou Vio, Ayumi, Calli and Alaysa. I feel happy because i can be part of you, you're such great person. together we like beautifull creature. We spend ourtime like never ends, thank you for everything girls. i will always love you all. Gonna miss our time in our lovely campus, Success for all of us. (Ini ceritanya foto sama temannya belum ada ya)

But, if there is new life must be there is old life we left. And now, it can be sad moment, i felt sad right now, we can left our memories, we just can remember one. No late came to class, no discuss, no debate, no cheating (not always), no arguement, no gosip, no laughing other person, no make one ashamed of us, including in front gebetan (i always remember), no mocked boos, no sleeping in the class, no go to toilet together, no absent, oh my God, i miss our moment girls. I gonna crying right now. Oke i finish this story before i crying too hard.
Oh my God, i miss all moment i spend in my campus, since firstly meet new friend until new gebetan and some crazy friend and true best friend. That's never forgotten. Thank you for 3 Crazy years.